Economic Development

Building self-determination through own source revenues


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Chief & Council

Meet the dedicated leaders of Sweetgrass First Nation - our Chief and Council. Committed to serving our community, they uphold our traditions and values while steering us towards a prosperous future. Learn about their roles, initiatives, and their unwaver


Finance & Administration

Discover how the Sweetgrass First Nation manages its Finance & Administration. We believe in complete transparency and effective governance. Our dedicated team ensures the smooth functioning of our community services, the sustainability of our resources,



Explore the unique system of Governance at Sweetgrass First Nation. We blend traditional Indigenous governance with contemporary practices, respecting our ancestral laws and customs while navigating the complexities of the modern world. Learn about our go


Community Development Initiative

Discover the Community Development Initiative of Sweetgrass First Nation. Committed to building a brighter future for our people, we undertake projects that empower our community, foster growth, and strengthen our bond. Learn about our current initiatives


Economic Development

Explore the Economic Development initiatives at Sweetgrass First Nation. We're fostering an environment of prosperity and growth, promoting Indigenous entrepreneurship, and embracing sustainable practices. Learn about our local businesses, economic strate


Annual Reports

Browse through the Annual Reports of Sweetgrass First Nation, showcasing our yearly progress, achievements, and milestones. Our commitment to transparency and accountability is reflected in these comprehensive reports. Get insights into our community's de



Journey through the rich and diverse history of Sweetgrass First Nation. From our earliest roots to the vibrant community we are today, discover the events, traditions, and stories that have shaped us. Our history is a testament to our resilience, our str